At Burrows Contractors we will undertake all aspects of the construction of natural sports pitches from start to finish. We have experience working as part of larger projects with developers where they can focus their attention on the construction aspects of the project leaving the sports pitches to a true specialist. Alternatively we are happy to undertake smaller bespoke projects. Examples of completed projects can be found here
Spraying off Existing Sward
Any existing grass sward is sprayed off with herbicide and subsequent cultivation or stripping and removal.
Major Earthworks
Stripping and stockpiling of topsoil using excavators and laser controlled bulldozers. Cut and fill of the subsoil to ensure a level consolidated base. Replacement of topsoil
Topsoil Grading
Leveling of topsoil using laser controlled grader ensures an even finish.
Stone Burying
To bury stones, creating an even soil surface and potentially mixing extra material (eg sand).
An effective land drainage system is the key to prolonging and maintaining the quality of an area of land.
Sand Amelioration
Sand used for the amelioration of topsoil is placed over the works area and spread with specialist sand spreaders
Seedbed preparation
Levelling and finishing of the surface including stone picking and burying, prior to the application of a pre-seed fertiliser and specified seed
Application of fertiliser and seed
Application of a pre-seed fertiliser and final seeding
An irrigation system can facilitate renovation work and speed the establishment of young grass
Initial Maintenance
Can include, brushing, light rolling, mowing, fertiliser application, top dressing and aeration